
发布时间:2022-06-08 发布网站:脚本宝典

Chapter (books)

A chapter is one of the main divisions of a piece of writing of relative length, such as a book of prose, poetry, or law. A chapter book may have multiple chapters and these can be referred to by the things that may be the main topic of that specific chapter. In each case, chapters can be numbered or titled or both. An example of a chapter that has become well known is "Down the Rabbit-Hole", which is the first chapter from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Many novels of great length have chapters. Non-fiction books, especially those used for reference, almost always have chapters for ease of navigation. In these works, chapters are often subdivided into sections. Larger works with a lot of chapters often group them in several 'parts' as the main subdivision of the book.

The chapters of reference works are almost always listed in a table of contents. Novels sometimes use a table of contents, but not always. If chapters are used they are normally numbered sequentially; they may also have titles, and in a few cases an epigraph or prefatory [forming a preface or introduction] quotation. In older novels it was a common practice to summarise the content of each chapter in the table of contents and/or in the beginning of the chapter. An epigraph is a short sentence written on a statue, or used as an introduction to a book. graph是个词根,再如autograph [留作纪念的签名,不同于signature].

Chapter (religion)

A chapter is one of several bodies of clergy in Roman Catholic, Old Catholic, Anglican [英国圣公会], and Nordic Lutheran churches [北欧路德教会] or their gatherings. In other words, "all the priests belonging to a cathedral, or a meeting of these priests". The name derives from the habit of convening monks or canons for the reading of a chapter of the Bible or a heading of the order's rule. 此处order意为“宗教团体”; "canon" means "a Christian priest who has special duties in a cathedral".

A cathedral chapter is the body ("college") of advisors assisting the bishop of a diocese [主教管区] at the cathedral church.

A chapter house or chapterhouse is a building or room that is part of a cathedral, monastery [隐修院] or collegiate church in which larger meetings are held. When attached to a cathedral, the cathedral chapter meets there. A collegiate church is a church endowed for a chapter of canons but without a bishop's see. 此处的"see": district for which a bishop or an archbishop is responsible; office or jurisdiction of a bishop or an archbishop 主教或大主教的辖区﹑职务或管辖权。

六级/考研单词: prose, poet, multiple, adventure, ease, navigate, seldom, norm, preface, summary, statue, graph, clergy, catholic, priest, cathedral, derive, convene, bible, heading, bishop, endow, jurisdiction



