Business Model - Organizations And Organizations Theory

发布时间:2022-06-20 发布网站:脚本宝典
脚本宝典收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了Business Model - Organizations And Organizations Theory脚本宝典觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。

Organizations And Organizations Theory

Current Challenges
Intense Competition
Ethics and Social Responsibility
Speed of Responsiveness
The digital Workplace

Organization theory helps us explain what happened in the past, as well as what may happen in the future, so that we can manage organization more effectively.

what is Organization

  • Social entities that are goal-directed
  • Designed as deliberately structured and coordinated activity systems
  • Linked to the external environment
  • Includes large multinational corporations, family owned businesses as well as nonprofits.

Importance of Organization

  • Organizations are a means to an end.
  • The corporation has played a significant role in the last 100 years
  • Produce goods and services efficiently
  • Facilitate innovation
  • Adapt to and influence a changing environment
  • Create value for owners, customers, and employees
  • Accommodate ongoing challenges of diversity, ethics, and the motivation and coordination of employees.

Dimension of Organization Design

Structural Dimensions Contigency Factors
Formalization Size
Specialization Organizational technology
Hierarchy of Authority Environment
Centralization Goal and strategy
Professionalism Culture
Personnel Ratios

Performance and Effectiveness Outcomes Efficiency: amount of resources used to achieve the organization's goal Effectiveness: the degree to which an organization achieves its goal Stakeholder Approach: Balancing the needs of groups in and outside of the organization that has a stake in the organization's performance

Organic and Mechanistic Designs

Mechanistic Design Contigency Factors
Centralized structure Rigid Culture
Specialized Tasks Manufacturing Technology
Many Rules Formalized Efficiency Strategy
Vertical Communication Stable Environment
Strict Hierarchy of Authority Large Size
Organic Design Contigency Factors
Decentralized Structure Adaptive Culture
Empowered Roles Service Technology
Few Rules, informal Innovation Strategy
Horizontal Communication Changing Environment
Collaborative Teamwork Small Size

Devide and Coordinate

  • Markets, hierarchies and conventions
    Work division (rightarrow) Specialization(rightarrow) coordination(rightarrow) conventions


  • Work division and coordination
  • Thompson model
  • Mintzberg model

Thompson coordination model Born from workflow, Sharing of common resources

Typology of Interdipendences
Coordination mode
Mutual Adjustment
Generic Sequential Mutual
Standardisation ineffectiveness NO(ineffectiveness)
Planning inefficiency ineffectiveness
Mutual Adjustment NO(inefficiency) inefficiency


Five Components of the Organization
Top Management
Middle Management
Technical cores
Technical Support Staff
Administrative Support Staff
Five Coordination Mechanisms
Direct Supervision The organizational units to be coordinated have the same hierarchically superior unit(and therefore they have a homogeneity of supervision) which is therefore able to coordinate the two units.
Process Standardization Standardization of cycles and working methods through codification of activities,equipment, employee methods.
Output Standardization Standardization and codification of the result envisaged by an organizational unit. these results can be objectives set by a plan or products / services standardized in terms of design and operation.
Input Standardization Standadization of incoming resources(raw materials, personnel, etc) with a consequent homogeneity and simplification of subsequent transformations.
Mutual Adjustment The coordination is carried out through a frequent and easy connection system(for carrying out activities) between the organizational units, it provides communications and feedback systems between organzational units. It is necessary in cases where early or planned management is difficult.
Five Organization Models
Simple Structure
Mechanical Bureaucracy
Divisional Organisation
Professional Bureaucracy

TODO: Images

The Organization Variables

The Organization Variable Organization Structure Operating Systems Leadership Style
1. Work division Coordination Leadership
2. Departmental Grouping Options Control Motivation
3. Hierarchical levels Decision Making Process Authority Management
4. Defination of tasks and roles Communication/Information sharing
5. Assessment
Departmental Grouping Options Examples Advantage
Functional Grouping Production,Design,Marketing,Logistics,Sales,Management Specialized,
Divisional Grouping
Multifocused Grouping
Horizontal Grouping
Virtual Network Grouping


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