A Child's History of England.119

发布时间:2022-06-21 发布网站:脚本宝典
脚本宝典收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了A Child's History of England.119脚本宝典觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。


King Edward the Fourth was not quite twenty-one years of age when he took that unquiet seat upon the throne of England. The Lancaster party, the Red Roses, were then assembling in great numbers near York, and it was necessary to give them battle instantly. But, the stout Earl of Warwick leading for the young King, and the young King himself closely following him, and the English people crowding round the Royal standard [旗帜], the White and the Red Roses met, on a wild March day when the snow was falling heavily, at Towton; and there such a furious battle raged between them, that the total loss amounted to forty thousand men - all Englishmen, fighting, upon English ground, against one another. The young King gained the day, took down the heads of his father and brother from the walls of York, and put up the heads of some of the most famous noblemen engaged in the battle on the other side. Then, he went to London and was crowned with great splendour.

on a wild March day when the snow was falling heavily...  1461年的事。小冰河期始于13世纪,在17世纪达到巅峰,并最终在大约200年前减缓了活动趋势。在它的巅峰时期,北欧一带饥荒肆虐。有人认为挪威和瑞典有一半的人口在饥荒中丧生。明朝小冰河时期指的是明末清初整个中国冬天奇寒无比的几十年时期。这一时期的年平均气温都很要低,夏天大旱与大涝相继出现,冬天则奇寒无比,连广东等地都狂降暴雪。代宗朱祁钰 景泰 1450-1457 [景泰蓝]英宗朱祁镇 天顺 1457-1464宪宗朱见深 成化 1465-1487孝宗朱祐樘 弘治 1488-1505正德

A new Parliament met. No fewer than one hundred and fifty of the principal noblemen and gentlemen on the Lancaster side were declared traitors, and the King - who had very little humanity, though he was handsome in person and agreeable [令人愉快的] in manners - resolved to do all he could, to pluck up the Red Rose root and branch.

Queen Margaret, however, was still active for her young son. She obtained help from Scotland and from Normandy, and took several important English castles. But, Warwick soon retook them; the Queen lost all her treasure on board ship in a great storm; and both she and her son suffered great misfortunes. Once, in the winter weather, as they were riding through a forest, they were attacked and plundered by a party of robbers; and, when they had escaped from these men and were passing alone and on foot through a thick dark part of the wood, they came, all at once, upon another robber. So the Queen, with a stout heart, took the little Prince by the hand, and going straight up to that robber, said to him, 'My friend, this is the young son of your lawful King! I confide [信赖] him to your care.' The robber was surprised, but took the boy in his arms, and faithfully restored him and his mother to their friends. In the end, the Queen's soldiers being beaten and dispersed, she went abroad again, and kept quiet for the present.

六级/考研单词: throne, assemble, necessity, stout, march, fury, rage, fame, noble, engage, magnificent, parliament, headmaster, humane, handsome, resolve, treasury, misfortune, rob, princess, confide, disperse


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