
发布时间:2022-06-28 发布网站:脚本宝典


  1. QTString是Unicode编码

  2. windows下local8Bit是GBK编码

  3. 源码文件是用编码的

    • vs中的cl能识别GBK

    • Mingw中g++识别不带BOM的UTF-8

    • LINUX中g++识别带BOM的UTF-8

  4. 编码转换

    • QTextCodec:

      • 非Unicode编码转换成Unicode,Unicode转换成非Unicode

      • 支持的编码:

      • Big5 Big5-HKSCS CP949 EUC-JP EUC-KR GB18030 HP-ROMAN8 IBM 850 IBM 866 IBM 874 ISO 2022-JP ISO 8859-1 to 10 ISO 8859-13 to 16 Iscii-Bng, Dev, Gjr, Knd, Mlm, Ori, Pnj, Tlg, and Tml KOI8-R KOI8-U Macintosh Shift-JIS TIS-620 TSCII UTF-8 UTF-16 UTF-16BE UTF-16LE UTF-32 UTF-32BE UTF-32LE Windows-1250 to 1258

      •  QByteArray encodeString = "俄语字符编码..."; QTextCodec * codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("KOI8-R"); QString unicodeStr = codec->toUnicode(encodestring);
      •  QString strDefUnicode = "俄语"; QTextCodec * codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("KOI8-R"); QByteArray encodeString = codec->fromUnicode(strDefUnicode);
    • 编译器或数据库中字符的编码转换

 QString GBK2UTF8(const QString &str)     QTextCodec *utf8 = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8");     return utf8->toUnicode(str.toUtf8()); }
 //str: unicode解析字符编码,但是存储的确是utf8 UTF8TOGBK(const QString &str)     QTextCodec *gbk = QTextCodec::codecForName("GB18030");     //str除了Unicode,可转任意字符编码,转gbk,是因为QTextCodec gbk 只能从gbk转Unicode     return gbk->toUnicode(str.toLocal8Bit()); }
 //str:保存的是GBK编码字符串 std::string GBK2UTF8(std::string &str)     QString temp = QString::fromLocal8Bit(str.c_str());     std::string ret = temp.toUtf8().data(); }
 std::string UTF82GBK(std::string &str)     QString temp = QString::fromUtf8(str.c_str());     std::string ret = temp.toLocal8Bit().data();     return ret; }


 QTextCodec::setCodecForCString(QTextCodec::codecForName("GBK")); QTextCodec::setCodecForCString(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"));


单QString 只提供了这几个成员函数,远远满足不了大家的需求,比如,在简体中文Windows下,local8Bit是GBK,可是有一个char串是 BIG5 或 Latin-2怎么办?


 QString QTextCodec::toUnicode ( const char * chars ) const
QTextCodec::setCodecForTr(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"));QString str = tr("中文");


首先说明下windows中API有两种结尾的一种以A结尾一种以W结尾, A代表ANSI编码,W代表UTF-16编码, 这里承清下unicode不是编码方式, 而是字符集.

ANSI编码对于不同的国家和地区制定了不同的编码方式,GB2312(简体中文),BIG5(繁体中文),JIS(日文),在简体中文系统下,ansi 编码代表 GB2312 编码,在日文操作系统下,ansi 编码代表 JIS 编码。这里以简体中文的GB2312为例, 它是用两个字节对汉字进行编码的。





UTF-8呢,是用1到4个的8位字符来表示,它也是可变, 英文用7位的ASCII码就可以表示, 拉丁文用8位的Latin1编码就可以表示(表注音),如果有大量的这样的字符,用ANSI或者UTF-16就浪费了空间,因为用一个字节就可以表示了,因为可变长的UTF-8来了,对拉丁文1个字节,对于复杂的用2个甚至4个字节来表示,它有具体的机制来区分到底几个字节表示一个字符。这个机制我就不讲,细节问题。

好了, 关于字符集以及其编码我们先介绍的到这里, 感兴趣的可以参考下面的资料

http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_a547eff001012igt.html http://blog.csdn.net/lvxiangan/article/details/8151670



LIBS += -luser32 # for using Windows API

QTCreator默认采用unicode字符集, 如果想去掉在.pro文件中加入



在QtCreator的Editor里面我们可以看到Default encoding 是UTF-8, 好下面我们开始实验


我们先看多字符集也就是加入了 “DEFINES -= UNICODE” 的情况 QByteArray encodedString = "印象笔记"; qDebug() << encodedString;//输出"xE5x8DxB0xE8xB1xA1xE7xACx94xE8xAExB0", UTF-8编码

QString string("印象笔记");//UTF-16编码qDebug()  << string;//UTF-16解码成功,输出"印象笔记",



QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8");QString string1 = codec->toUnicode(encodedString);//从UTF-8到UTF-16qDebug()  << string1;//UTF-16解码成功,输出"印象笔记" qDebug() << string1.toUtf8() ;//输出"xE5x8DxB0xE8xB1xA1xE7xACx94xE8xAExB0", UTF-8编码qDebug() << string1.toLocal8Bit() ;//输出"xD3xA1xCFxF3xB1xCAxBCxC7", ANSI编码(GB2312)qDebug() << string1.toStdString().c_str() ;//UTF-8解码成功,输出"印象笔记"qDebug() << string1.toLatin1() ;//"????" m_hGame = FindWindow(NULL, string1.toLocal8Bit());//只有这种编码成功,其余都失败(这里API函数为A版本)qDebug()  << m_hGame;



The QString class provides a Unicode character string.

QString stores a string of 16-bit QChars, where each QChar corresponds one Unicode 4.0 character. (Unicode characters with code values above 65535 are stored using surrogate pairs, i.e., two consecutive QChars.)




下面去掉“DEFINES -= UNICODE” 再来看看


QByteArray encodedString = "印象笔记";qDebug()  << encodedString;//输出"xE5x8DxB0xE8xB1xA1xE7xACx94xE8xAExB0", UTF-8编码 QString string("印象笔记");//UTF-16编码qDebug()  << string;//UTF-16解码成功,输出"印象笔记",



QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8");QString string1 = codec->toUnicode(encodedString);//从UTF-8到UTF-16qDebug()  << string1;//UTF-16解码成功,输出"印象笔记" qDebug() << string1.toUtf8() ;//输出"xE5x8DxB0xE8xB1xA1xE7xACx94xE8xAExB0", UTF-8编码qDebug() << string1.toLocal8Bit() ;//输出"xD3xA1xCFxF3xB1xCAxBCxC7", ANSI编码(GB2312)qDebug() << string1.toStdString().c_str() ;//UTF-8解码成功,输出"印象笔记",std::string QString::toStdString() const Returns a std::string object with the data contained in this QString. The Unicode data is converted into 8-bit characters using the toUtf8() function./* inline QDebug &operator<<(const char* t) { stream->ts << QString::fromUtf8(t); return maybeSpace(); }*/qDebug() << string1.toStdWString().c_str() ;//0x139470, 返回wchar_t*, typedef unsigned short wchar_t;按unsigned short来解释地址指向的值/*    The std::wstring is encoded in utf16 on platforms where wchar_t is 2 bytes wide    (e.g. windows) and in ucs4 on platforms where wchar_t is 4 bytes wide (most Unix systems).*/qDebug() << string1.toLatin1() ;//"????" m_hGame = FindWindow(NULL, string1.toStdWString().c_str());//只有这种编码成功,其余都失败(这里API函数为W版本)qDebug()  << m_hGame;



WCHAR (or wchar_t on Visual C++ compiler) is used for Unicode UTF-16 strings on windows. on Linux and Mac it's UTF-32 CHAR (or char) can be used for several other string formats: ANSI, MBCS, UTF-8.(关于它们定义 见http://www.firstobject.com/dn_markansifile.htm, 我觉得ANSI和UTF-16对应和MBCS应该和UNICODE对应)




Qstring里面用UTF-16,转成std::string时用的UTF-8编码,转成std::wstring依靠平台,windows上是UTF-16 当用qdebug输出wchar*时,由于wchar定义为unsigned short,所以其指针指向的单元被解释为unsigned short.

*#pragma execution_character_set(** "target*" **)**

By default, Visual Studio uses the current code page as the source character set used to interpret your source code for output. When a file is read in, Visual Studio interprets it according to the current code page unless the file code page was set, or unless a byte-order mark (BOM) or UTF-16 characters are detected at the beginning of the file. You can't set UTF-8 as the current code page in some versions of Windows. When the automatic detection finds source files encoded as UTF-8 without a BOM in those versions, Visual Studio assumes they're encoded by using the current code page.




